Ben & Jerrys Cookie Dough
Vild vaniljeis blandet med stykker af Chokolade og Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
Vanilla ice cream with pieces of chocolate and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
1 for 75,- 2 for 130,-
Ben & Jerrys Half Baked
Chokolade og vaniljeis med en genial blanding af Fudge Brownie og Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
Chocolate and vanilla ice cream with Fudge Brownie & Chokolate Chip Cookie Dough.
1 for 75,- 2 for 130,-
Ben & Jerrys Strawberry Cheesecake
Jubelglad flødeis med jordbærcheesecake og fyldt med et urimeligt virvar af jordbær og knuste kager Strawberry cheesecake ice cream with strawberries and a Cookie swirl.
1 for 75,- 2 for 130,-
Ben & Jerrys Caramel Chew Chew
Ubeskrivelig fyldig karamelflødeis med tyk karamelsauce og proppet med chokodyppede karamelstykker
Caramel ice cream with thick caramelsauce and lots of chocolate coated caramel pieces.
1 for 75,- 2 for 130,-
Ben & Jerrys Phish Food
Chokerende lækker chokoladeflødeis proppet med skumfiduser, karamelsauce og chokoladefisk.
Delicious chocolate ice cream with marshmallows, caramel sauce and chokolate fish.
1 for 75,- 2 for 130,-
Ben & Jerrys Cookie Dough S'wich Up
Vaniljeflødeis med kakaocookies og styker af cookiedej med chokoladestykker.
Vanilla ice cream with cocoa cookies and pieces of cookie dough with chocolate chips.
1 for 75,- 2 for 130,-
Ben & Jerrys Chokolate Fudge Brownie
Cremet chokoflødeis med en herlighed af chokobrowniebidder
Creamy chokolate ice cream with brownie bites.
1 for 75,- 2 for 130,-
Ben & Jerrys Peanutbuttercup
Is med peanutsmør og stykker af peanutsmør.
Ice cream with peanutbutter and pieces of peanutbutter.
1 for 75,- 2 for 130,-
Magnum Classic 0,44 l.
Kr. 65,-
Magnum Almond 0,44 l.
Kr. 65,-
Magnum Double Salted Caramel 0,44 l.
Kr. 65,-
Magnum Double Gold Caramel Billionaire 0,44 l.
Kr. 65,-